What should I be thinking about when changing jobs or careers?

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The Scenario

Changing jobs brings a mix of emotions. You have a new way of being paid, a new work culture, new co-workers, a new role to master, and a new way of life for part of your day. While all the newness can be overwhelming, it’s easy to overlook the planning opportunities that come with a transition of this magnitude. The opportunities often only exist for a short window and it is critical to capitalize on them when available.

Key Considerations

  • Do you feel comfortable evaluating your severance or new benefits package?
  • Should you roll over your 401(k) or company retirement plan to an IRA?
  • Have you determined how your job change will affect your existing employee stock options or how the change in income will impact your future financial and personal goals?
  • Does your new employer have a deferred compensation plan? Should you participate?
  • How will you evaluate your executive compensation plan options?

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How we help

While your life may feel like a whirlwind, your financial advisor will be here to coordinate all the moving parts of your transition, allowing you to focus on the changes in your new role.

Our process includes:

  • Creating a customized financial plan that includes advice on investments, taxes, insurance, retirement, and estate planning
  • Careful evaluation and personalized recommendations on severance/benefit package, pension, deferred compensation, stock options, RSU’s, and executive compensation plans
  • Providing advice on how to handle prior 401(k) plan to optimize investment options and reduce fees

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