Luke Cho, CFP®

Luke has 21 years of wealth management experience working with high-net worth clients and institutions.   Prior to Empirical, he worked for a large institutional money management firm where he [...]

Jack Z. Sun, CFA®

Jack是金融投资管理经理,有超过15年的资产投资经验,在美国和亚洲很多国家都有不凡的建树。他的职业生涯始于纽约市的交易员和投资组合经理。Jack直接与高净值资产个人客户和机构客户合作,设计个性化的,基于目标的投资解决方案,以实现他们的财务目标。Jack 是Empirical的投资战略团队的成员, 他的任务除了日常的交易以外,也同时负责投资市场发展的动向监控和合作伙伴的研究。 在加入 [...]

William Warner

Will provides support to the growing San Mateo office by helping maintain a positive work environment and ensuring the needs of all employees and guests are met. Will comes to Empirical with a [...]

Jack Z. Sun, CFA®

As a Portfolio Manager with +15 years of multi-asset investing experience in the US and Asia, Jack works directly with (U)HNW and Institutional clients to design customized, goal-based investment [...]